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Procedure descriptions

Illness or pregnancy - apply for budgetary support

As a person with statutory health insurance, you can receive support in the form of household help if you are temporarily unable to continue running the household. Reasons for this can be, for example:

  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Cure measures (preventive cure, medical rehabilitation measure, mother/father-child measure)

Note: In the case of acute illnesses, various health insurance funds also grant household assistance if a stay in hospital is not absolutely necessary. Many health insurance funds grant household assistance over and above the statutory entitlement on the basis of their statutes.

Most statutory health insurance funds work together with corresponding organisations and provide a substitute. If this is not possible or expedient, they will reimburse the costs for a self-organised substitute at a reasonable amount. Before you hire someone, you should find out in advance from your statutory health insurance fund what benefits you can receive.

Note: The health insurance does not reimburse costs for relatives and in-laws up to the second degree. However, it may reimburse the necessary travel costs and loss of earnings if these are in reasonable proportion to the costs otherwise incurred for a substitute worker.

Note: For members of private health insurances, the assistance depends on the contractual regulations that you have agreed with your health insurance. You should therefore enquire with your private health insurance company about the exact benefits and their requirements.

Responsible department

Your statutory health insurance



The prerequisite for household assistance is that

  • the person running the household is insured under the statutory health insurance scheme,
  • no other person living in the household can take over the household management and
  • there is a child under the age of 12 or a child with a disability living in the household who is dependent on help or
    Exception: If you need household help because of pregnancy complaints or after childbirth, it is not necessary that a child already lives in the household.
  • if you do not have to care for a child of your own and are not in need of care degree 2 or higher: You are seriously ill or your illness has acutely worsened, especially after a hospital stay, after an outpatient operation or after outpatient hospital treatment


You must apply for household help in writing to your health insurance fund. You can request the form "Antrag auf Haushaltshilfe" by telephone or download it from the website of your health insurance fund.


Application before claiming the benefit

Required documents

  • in case of pregnancy: medical certificate, with the following information:
    • the certificate of the expected date of birth
    • the date of delivery
    • the expected duration of the hospital stay
  • in case of illness: medical certificate on the expected duration of the hospital stay or the illness


between 5 and 10 euros co-payment per day


In addition to the application, a medical certificate is also required. In it, your attending doctor confirms that you are unable to continue the household for health reasons.


Release note

21.08.2023; Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg


Gemeinde Schliengen
Wasserschloss Entenstein
79418 Schliengen

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